Announcing Airframe Group

Acquiring a Value-Added Distributor or Industrial Service Business

I am thrilled to announce my new venture, Airframe Group, which I formed to acquire and build a company in value-added distribution or industrial services. I want to grow a transformative company that is loyal to customers, moves fast, and pursues an ambitious vision for the long-term.

As all of you know from chatting with me and listening to the podcast, this is a step I’ve been excited to take for years. Following a two year Chief of Staff role at HW Media that concluded in May, I felt ready and energized for this next career chapter.

While at HW Media, I led the integration process for a housing data company we had acquired, as well as led data licensing sales to a successful growth year in our first 12 months of ownership. This past May, I helped hire and handoff my sales leadership role to a great sales executive who will take the product to the next level.

I love sales, data, housing, and want to put it all together with Airframe.

The ideal acquisition for Airframe is led by an owner ready for their next chapter of life and wants to transition the company to someone who will continue leading the business towards a bright future. I’m looking for companies profitably earning over $10 million in revenue and provide an important industrial product or service.

The podcast has been a great way to meet investors I admire. Airframe is supported by Pacific Lake Partners ($250m fund), Norwest Venture Partners ($3 billion fund), and an outstanding group of active CEOs. Each investor knows how to build high performing industrial service companies that provide talented employees and customers a long-term home.

Finding, acquiring, and building a great company takes a village — and I’d love your help. There are two primary ways you can help me:

  1. If you’ve followed industries around distribution, I’d love the chance to chat. The most valuable time I’ve spent has been with experts who know their industry like the back of their hand and can summarize important trends quickly. Your expertise is invaluable, and any time shared would be massively appreciated.

  2. Introductions to distributor and industrial service owners and experts, especially building products. If that describes you, or someone close to you, I’d love to meet!

If you’ve been listening to Think Like an Owner for a week, or all six years of its existence, thank you! Knowing the show is providing value to at least one person is all the motivation and energy I need to keep recording new episodes.

With that, what does this all mean for the podcast? The show has been a powerful tailwind for every point in my career, and I believe it will accelerate my goal to acquire and build a great company. I intend to continue the show for years to come and use it as a means to meet great operators in key industries of interest, as well as dive into topics I’m passionate about such as developing sales orgs, using data in decision making, and executive hiring and training.

I also get a lot of joy when guests tell me they heard great feedback from peers and investors on their episode with Think Like an Owner. It’s just as much fun introducing friends to each other as it is meeting them myself.

Thank you all for following along on this winding journey, the podcast has truly changed my life and each one of you has played a critical role in making it happen. I’m very grateful for the time you share listening to the show and getting to know me.

If you want to chat sometime soon, just hit reply to this email and we’ll make it happen!

Airframe Group’s site is live: